On to the first part of news. My sister and brother in law have been living with us for the past three months with their little girl Zoe.They moved out on Saturday, and now Bella misses her Zoe bug. But its good for them to be out and have their own place where Zoe can have her own room because she will have a little brother or sister by April. That's right Emily is having another baby.We're all pretty excited, I hope she has a little boy, since there are already four girls.

Bella is now sick with the crud. She is coughing and has a sore throat. She puked one day but I think that may have just been a little bug she got from Zoe. She's been napping during the day which she had stopped doing, so i know she's sick. I'm hoping its just her allergies and nothing to serious.

(this is her napping
Monday on the couch)
Here is Chelle and no she is not standing all by herself. She is still being lazy. Chelle will not walk for anything, I mean truly walk she always has to be hanging on to furniture or some ones hands. If we put her on the push and walk she freaks out and sits down. And tonight she is having some bad acid reflux. Right now she is sitting in the old car seat in the base with a blanket covering it having a bottle. She is being a stubborn and difficult child.

This is my 'new' china,well new to me,I found it at a thrift store, I paid $80.00 for a huge set, but its a little incomplete. But I'm going to sit down and make an inventory so that I know what pieces I need.I'm so excited I can't wait to get the last pieces I need.
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