Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crafty stuffs....

So lately I've been thinking about starting up all my crafts again. I want to start making scarfs and all kinds of felt things. Recently I haven't had the motivation to do anything, not even taking pictures... but I have managed to make a few things in the past couple of months that I will share with you..

This is Bella in a semi-complete Lady Gaga costume for next month. Its a design of my own making so I hope it turns out good, you can let me know what you think. I still have to make a petticoat to go under the bottom of the coat and buy her some tights and shoes.

I've made about a half dozen felt strawberries and painted letters to hang above the girls beds.

I have to get started on my Christmas projects as well, I will be making Zoe some felt food for her play kitchen. I'll also probably be making these really cool single serve pies that you can cook in a mason jar. Here's the link that has inspired this idea I want to make my brother something to take along with him overseas that will remind him of home.

But before I do any of this I've got to figure out what Chelle will be for Halloween and finish Boo's costume.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sick and stubborn children

So this weekend was kind of eventful Emily and Andy moved into their new apartment, Bella got sick and my grandfather came home from the hospital.

On to the first part of news. My sister and brother in law have been living with us for the past three months with their little girl Zoe.They moved out on Saturday, and now Bella misses her Zoe bug. But its good for them to be out and have their own place where Zoe can have her own room because she will have a little brother or sister by April. That's right Emily is having another baby.We're all pretty excited, I hope she has a little boy, since there are already four girls.

Bella is now sick with the crud. She is coughing and has a sore throat. She puked one day but I think that may have just been a little bug she got from Zoe. She's been napping during the day which she had stopped doing, so i know she's sick. I'm hoping its just her allergies and nothing to serious.

(this is her napping
Monday on the couch)

Here is Chelle and no she is not standing all by herself. She is still being lazy. Chelle will not walk for anything, I mean truly walk she always has to be hanging on to furniture or some ones hands. If we put her on the push and walk she freaks out and sits down. And tonight she is having some bad acid reflux. Right now she is sitting in the old car seat in the base with a blanket covering it having a bottle. She is being a stubborn and difficult child.

This is Jaime at his new job. He now works at Valvoline, its a oil change place,he seems to like it. Its working on cars which he enjoys so its nice he can get paid for what he likes to do. :)

This is my 'new' china,well new to me,I found it at a thrift store, I paid $80.00 for a huge set, but its a little incomplete. But I'm going to sit down and make an inventory so that I know what pieces I need.I'm so excited I can't wait to get the last pieces I need.

Friday, July 2, 2010

How my Married Life Started

This whole adventure began in 2006 at my very first Military Ball.That's me in my dress before the dance. I guess most of my friends would say it started before then really, it was February 14 that I began to peruse my now husband, he and his girlfriend had just broken up and I was only being nice and I gave him a valentine, so he wouldn't be so lonely. I was 16 at the time,a couple of days later my husband asked me to be his girlfriend. No one thought we would last because of his recent break up, and granted we had our ups and downs here we are today, with two children and almost married a year now.

This is me on my 17Th birthday, me and my husband have been together for 9 months at this point which is longer than anyone thought we would make it.

This is me, my cousin Katie and my sister Emily on her wedding day, June 1, 2007. At this point me and Jaime were not together but I was about 8 weeks pregnant, we were only apart for about a month if even that.

This is Bella and her daddy the night she was born. It took 17 hours of labor and a c-section to meet this little girl.

This is Bella now at two years old, on Easter with her duckie. She loves all things outside and Lady Gaga.

This is Chelle she was born on June 3 of last year,she was a preemie, and spent her first week in NICU.

This is Chelle now at a year old, she's in the process of learning to walk.

This is my beautiful family and how we all came together. I cant wait to post more about them and the rest of my expansive family. :)